Sunday, May 08, 2005


:: only with insurance
I really, really liked this movie. Sandra Bullock gave a wonderful performance, there was so much hostility and angst--it was great. Don Cheadle as always was pleasing, as was Thandi Newton.
So the film is based on coincidences and how all these different characters from different backgrounds are intertwined in LA. Ryan Phillippe..I forgot about him, he was good as well. There were some heart-wrenching moments in the story, some parts that make you a little annoyed because its truth. There is good-bad-and grey...One of the better films Ive seen this year. Sin City, and Crash. Best 2 ive seen in theaters this year.
I wouldnt be surprised if Sandra were nominated for best supporting actress. She was that convincing, only her role was small in comparison to Thandie Newtons supporting and somewhat more important role. I liked it a lot.

9 out of 10 Stars.
~*rock out

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Donnie Darko

:: Darko is wacko.
I've heard tons of buzz about this film since its inception. Never really cared to watch it even though I had no real clue what the premise of it was. Well, after hearing more people mention it recently I added it to my netflix queue and got the dvd of the directors cut last week.
The movie was all right, but I dont see what all the hoopla is about. Donnie is disturbed..and the themes circle around science and God..and dreams and hallucinations. Eh, it was okay. The dialogue was what I found to be the funniest.
Her: My parents got divorced, my dad had emotional problems.
Him: Really, me too! What kind?
Her: He stabbed my mother four times in the chest.
The demonic bunny mask in the movie was really weird..I dont know, strange film. At least I could follow the story, unlike Mulholland Drive which was eternally screwy. Not much else to say about Donnie Darko.
Next on my list of movies to see that I've heard "so much" about... Deliverance.
~*rock out.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

The Interpreter

:: Kidman uses her accent..sorta
I liked this movie. I've been wanting to see it since I saw previews for it..looked like a decent thriller, I love Sean Penn, and Nicole Kidman with an accent can't hurt either.
The theater was pretty much empty, only 4 other people were there.
Man, Kidman is really pale, and wow, her eyes are really blue. Pollack used lots of close-up shots of Kidmans face. I don't know if that was an attempt to build suspense and emotion for the character, or just taking advantage of having her in the film. I got annoyed a few times with the way the scenes always had Kidmans hair mysteriously covering her right eye.. it was done symbolically, but it got annoying. I just wanted her to brush the hair away from her eye a few times.
Sean Penn was good. Not as good as Mystic River, but good. I am loving the aged Sean Penn. I've been digging on him and his abilities since that British movie he did that I cant remember the title of with Kristen Scott-Thomas. I was happy to see Catherine Keener on the silver screen..she doesn't get enough attention in Hollywood in my opinion.
More about the movie. It dragged a little bit for about 20-minutes in the middle but it wasn't so boring that one wasn't paying attention anymore. so basically this character, Silvia Broome is like, part African since she was raised there..she's got a bit of a history but believes in peace now. I dont want to spoil it. What can I say, the film had a 2 good suspense moments, the rest played like a decent tv movie. There was no explosive chemisty between Penn and Kidman, and it wasnt necessary. Finally a film where theres no insipid love story forced into the film to make the audience happy or just to be able to throw a love scene in there. The love stories in this film are in the past and these characters are too vulnerable and raw to fall in love with each other at this point.
Favorite exchange from the film:
Him: How do you feel about it now?
Her: Disappointed.
Him: Disappointed? That's a lover's word.

I give it 3 -1/2 stars out of 5.
Next time let's keep the bangs out of her eyes.
~*rock out.

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For each film I view for the first time or the 33rd time, I will try to be consistent and leave remarks about the film on this blog. Let's see what happens.